Saturday, March 17, 2012

Rihanna: "The Hottest R&B Artist Out Right Now Is Chris Brown"

Rihanna recently got interviewed at Ryan Seacrests' radio show about why she chose to collaborate with ex-boyfriend Chris Brown. Three years ago, Chris physically abused Rihanna. So their fans got really chocked when they announced that they've started to work on each others tracks. Chris sings on her song "Birthday cake" and Rihanna on Chris song "Turn up the music."

In the interview, Rihanna explained her choice of music partner and she felt that Chris fitted the most for her song. "I reached out to him about doing ‘Birthday Cake’ because that’s the only person that really — it made sense to do the record. Just as a musician despite everything else that was going to be the person. You know I thought about rappers, and I’ve done that so many times, and the hottest R&B artist out right now is Chris Brown. So I wanted him on the track."

Come on Rihanna! We think this is a terrible explanation and she shouldn't have any relationship at all with that man! (idolator)

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Amir Naderi Amos Gitai amtrak

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