Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Primary Colors: fiction takes second place to fact

This 1998 tale of a sexually voracious presidential candidate was overtaken by real-life events involving a certain Monica Lewinsky

Director: Mike Nichols
Entertainment grade: B–
History grade: D

In 1996, an anonymous author (later revealed to be Joe Klein) published Primary Colors, a roman à clef inspired by the events of Bill Clinton's first presidential campaign in 1992.


The novel of Primary Colors begins with a disclaimer: "this is a work of fiction … None of these events ever happened." Well, all right, but it's not difficult to make out the parallels between winsome, sexually voracious Governor Jack Stanton (John Travolta) and Bill Clinton; nor between his ambitious, long-suffering wife, Susan (Emma Thompson), and Hillary Clinton. The hair and make-up departments have enhanced the impression, though Travolta's greyed-out eyebrows – and his raspy, Clintonesque southern accent – sometimes veer towards pastiche.


Our hero, Henry Burton (Adrian Lester), is the grandson of a civil rights leader who is drawn into Stanton's presidential campaign. His role equates more or less to that of George Stephanopoulos in real life. "Your grandfather was a great man," Susan says to him when he arrives with her husband, who has just missed a golden opportunity to secure the votes of some fly-fishing enthusiasts. "Jack Stanton could also be a great man, if he weren't such a faithless, thoughtless, disorganised, undisciplined shit."


Burton sets up headquarters in a town enchantingly named Mammoth Falls. Stanton's team includes adviser Richard Jemmons (Billy Bob Thornton), who swiftly exposes himself to a female campaign worker. When Burton remonstrates with him, he tries to pull rank. "I'm probably blacker than you," he drawls. "I got some slave in me. I can feel it." Reviewers generally supposed Jemmons to be inspired by Clinton strategist James Carville, though the real Carville is nowhere near as gruesome. If you're interested in something closer to the truth of these characters, the 1993 Oscar-nominated documentary The War Room followed the actual relationship between Stephanopoulos and Carville on the Clinton campaign trail.


Like Clinton, Stanton faces allegations about his activities during the Vietnam war – in Clinton's case, avoiding the draft. Then one Cashmere McLeod releases tapes of sexually suggestive conversations between herself and the governor. During Clinton's campaign, Gennifer Flowers came forward with similar accusations. Susan Stanton calls in "dust buster" Libby Holden (Kathy Bates) to help protect her husband's image. "Our Jackie's done some pretty stupid things in his life," Holden growls. "He's poked his pecker in some sorry trash bins." It has been suggested that her character was inspired by elements of Vince Foster and Betsey Wright, Clinton's chief of staff. The latter memorably described the frequent sex scandals buffeting her boss as "bimbo eruptions".


After the McLeod bimbo eruption subsides, the film departs from its approximate history of the 1992 primaries. In its final act, Stanton challenges a candidate of seemingly unbeatable perfection, Fred Picker (Larry Hagman), for the nomination. When he finds out that Picker's own past includes mountains of cocaine and dabblings in homosexuality, he must decide whether to abandon his scruples and "go negative" on the campaign. This didn't happen to Clinton. Of course, there is no shortage of politicians hiding colourful pasts in real life. Even so, the Picker scenario feels decidedly more contrived than the parts of the movie that are vaguely based on reality.


Demonstrating yet again that truth is stranger than fiction, this film came out when a far bigger scandal was consuming Clinton. The 1998 allegations of a sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky would result in an investigation of Clinton's personal life and impeachment proceedings. By the standards of 1998 Clinton scandals, 1992's bimbo eruptions and a spot of alleged draft-dodging looked tame.


Despite good reviews and some fine performances, Primary Colors didn't set the box office alight – perhaps because the history to which it was trying to allude was overtaken by events. © 2013 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds


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