HMV is selling an exclusive Bel Ami Blu-ray and DVD which contain footage of Rob at the Berlin film festival talking about the movie at the press junket as well as on the red carpet which no other discs in the UK contain.
You can buy it HERE. Or get the regular version from amazon UK: DVD | Blu Ray

But if you missed it, here's what the directors had to say about Rob and the movie. The answers of Declan Donnellan and Nick Ormerod from the watch-a- long.
In the scene where Georges attacks Virginie Rousset - how did Robert Pattinson and Kristin Scott Thomas prepare for this?
Kristin, Declan, Rob and Nick discussed quite extensively, Nick chose the positions for the kick etc but then it was improvised in the moment.
What was the most difficult scene to adapt from the book to the film?
This wasn’t our job you would need to ask the writer, Rachel!
What was the most challenging thing about shooting in Budapest?
We had to close down the main boulevard, but the weather was perfect
How did Rob and the cast deal with the nudity? Did they have any issues with it?
Nobody had any issue with it they were all very professional when it came to these scenes!
How would you describe each member of your cast in one word?
This question is far too difficult! They are each wonderful in their very different ways.
What scene took the longest to shoot and how long did it take?
The dinner scene took two days as this was a crucial scene and we wanted to get it right
What scenes from the book did you choose not to film and why?
There were many scenes as we wanted to focus on his relationship with the women.
Are there any scenes that you filmed but decided to cut?
No we stuck pretty close to the script as we were really happy with the end result
What was your favourite scene to film? Why did you enjoy shooting this scene more than any other?
The Moulin Rouge was great fun - we loved the dancing and it was a really great location
How was Robert on set with the actress who played Clotilde's daughter?
Robert was great and very relaxed in the scenes shot between the two characters
What did you find most appealing, personally, about that period in Paris? Did you do a lot of research to get the right tone?
It’s very rich and exciting time in Parisian history. We did as much research as we could to get the scenes as accurate to the history as possible
It seems like Georges is similar to modern day ‘celebrities’ who become famous despite having no particular talent –
Yes – Nick, I and Rob were all attracted to this character of the empty man, on to whom others can pin their fantasies. A man who feels he deserves everything, who is rotted by the modern cancer of entitlement.
The women seem to pull the shots at the beginning of the movie but end up betrayed by Georges – why is this?
He uses them to get on, but don’t forget that they use him too.
Jealousy seems to be a main theme between Georges and Madeleine - was this an emotion that Robert and Uma could easily relate to?
I think we all can, don’t you???? Show me someone that never gets jealous and I’ll show you a liar!!!
The newspaper industry in Paris seemed quite corrupt – do you think this draws comparisons to the newspaper industry at the moment?
Yes! It is about the newspapers in close and secret collaboration with the government. They had no mobile phones to tap in those days.
Do you think Georges genuinely loved any of the ladies in the film? Madame Morelle seemed to get very hurt by him...
If Georges wasn’t so in love with himself he would probably be in love with Clothilde.
Of all the pairings in the movie, what’s your favourite relationship in the film?
Georges has probably met his match in Suzanne. I don’t think she’ll give him an easy life!
How long did the movie take to film?
Just the shooting was two months but it was many months in preparation.
You’re respected theatre directors, was it hard making the transition from directing plays to a movie?
We were daunted but once we got going we loved it. By the end of the first afternoon we were addicted and now can’t wait to make another movie!!
Did you have any preconceptions before working with Robert based on the films he had been involved with before Bel Ami?
Only that he was a very good actor, we had no idea how much fun he was. He is great to be with.
What was Robert Pattinson like on set?
A delight and very hard working
Had you watched the Twilight films before working with Robert?
The first one and we absolutely loved it!
Did any of the female cast develop a crush on Robert during filming?
You better ask them!
Is there any interesting stories involving him and fans during the filming of Bel Ami?
We hardly saw any fans. Seriously!! Until the red carpet at Berlin!!
Would you work with Robert Pattinson again?
Absolutely, he was a true professional and a real gentleman
How did you deal with the paparazzi?
We didn’t see them all that much close to the set - they have very long lenses!
Do you have any fond memories from working with Robert?
Every day was a pleasure and we still keep in touch. I hope we will work together soon again.
Can you tell us something about Robert that we might not know?
He is very serious about his work and loves watching movies (other peoples!!) He is deeply articulate…
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